Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

. unto t!Je Perfon of Chrifl. I 5 I one Myfiical Body with.him. It is thereby that_he dwells in them, and they in hirn.By this alone are all fupphes of grace · derived from him unto the whole Body. Deny his Perion to be the proper a11d immediate ObjeB: ofthis Faith, and all thefe things are utterly overthrown, that is the whole fpirituallife and eternal falvation of the Church. This Faith in the Perfon Chriil: which is the Foundation of all that Divine 1-!onour in facred Adoration and In– vocation which is affigned unto h[m, may be confidered two waies. (1.) As itrefpecrshis Perfon abfolutely. (2.) As he is con!idered in the D1fcharge of the Office of Me· diation. , In the firfr fenfe Faith is placed abfolutely and ultimately on the Perfon ofChrifi, even as on the Perfon of the Father. . He counts it no robhry herein to be equal with the Father.. And the reafon hereof is becaufe the Divine Nature it ie!fis the proper and immediate Objefr of this Faith, and all the, aB:s ofit. This being one and the fame in the Perfon of the Father and of the Son, as alfo ofthe Holy Spirit, two ~hin~s do follow thereon. (1.) That each Perfon is equally theOb– jett of our Faith, becaufe equally participant of that Nature which is the formal Reafon and ObjeB:of it. (2) It follows alf9, that in aB:ing Faith on, and afcribing therewithal Di– vine Honour unto any one Perfon, the other are not exclu– ded,yea they are includedtherein. For by reafon of the mu– tuallnbeing of the Divine Perfons, in the Unity of:the fame Nature,the ObjeB: ofall fpiritual worfhip is undivided.Hence are thofeexpreffions ofthe Scriptures; He that hath jeen the Son, hath Jeen tbe Father; he that honoureth the Son, honour– eth the Father, for beandthe Father are one. !illd to clear our prefent Defign, three things may be ob· ferved from hence, namely, that the Divine Nature , with all its e~el!tial P_roperties, is the formal Reafon,and only Ground of DlVme Fa1th. As 1 . That,