Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

. t 5 2._ Ti;ePrincipl~ oft!Je fijignation of Divine Honour I . That the Lord Chriil: is not the al;(olute andulti~ate 0'6~ .feEt ofour Faith, any otherwife but under this confideration, :bf his being partaker of the Nature of God, of his being in the form of God, and equal unto him. Without th1s, to place our Faith in him would be robbery and Sacriledge; as is all the pretended Faith of them;. who believe not his Di– vine Perfon. 2 . There is no Derogation from the Honour and Gloty of the Father, not the leafi diverfion of any one fingle act ofDu~ ty from him, nor from the Holy Spirit, by the efpecial Afr– ings of Faith on the Perfon of Chrifl:. J.<~or all D1vine Ho~ nour is given folely unto the Divine Nature. And this being_ abfolutely the fame in each Perfon, in the honouring of one, they are all equally honoured. He that honoureth the Son, he therein honoureth the Father al[o; 1· Hence it appears what is that e[pecial aflh;g, of Faith on the Perfon of Chrifi wh1ch we intend, and which in the Scripture is g iven in charge unto us, as indifpenfably neceiTa– ry unto our .Salvation. And there are three things to be con, (ldered in it. ( 1 .) That his Di vine Nature is the proper for- .·mal Objeer of this Faith, on the confi:deration whereofalone, it is fixed on him. Ifyou ask a reafon why I believe on the Son of God ;if you intend what caufe I have for it, what Mo· tives unto it,l fhallanfwer, it is becaufe of what he hathdone for me, whereofafterwards; fo cloth the Apofile, Gal_ 1. 2 0 . But ifyou intend,what istheformalReafon, Ground and War· ranty whereon I thus believe in him, or place my truft and confidence in him, I fay it is only this,that he is over all God /J!eflecl for e·ver; and were he not fo, I could not believe in him. For to believe in any, is toe:r.pecr from him that to be done for me, which none but God ca:n do. ( 2. ) That' the ·entire Perfon ofChrifi a-s God and man, is the immediate Ob– }ecr of our Faith herein. The Divine Nature is. the Reafon of it . '