unto tlJe Perfon ofC!Jrifl. I 53 it ; but his Divine Perfon is the O!Jjefl of it. In placing our Faith on him, .we confider him as God and man in one and the fame Perfon; We believe in him becaufe he is God ; but we- believe in him as he is God and n1an in one Perfon. And this confideration of the Perfon of Chrifi, namely as he is God and man, in . our afring ofFaith on him, is that which renders it peculiar, and limits or determines it unto his Perfon; becaufe he only is fo; the Father is not, nor the ho– lySpirit. That Faith which hath thePerfon ofGod and man for its ObjeCt, is peculiarly and difhnCl:ly placed on Chrifi. ( 3.) The motives unto this difiinfr AfringofFaith on his Perfon, are alwaies to be confidered, as thofe alfo which render this Faith peculiar. For the things which ChriO: hath done for us, which are the motives of our Faith in him, were peculiar unto him alone, as in the place before quoted, Gal: 2. 20. Such are all the works of his Mediation with all the fruits ofthemwhereof we are made partakers. So God in thefirfl Command, wherein he requires all Faith, Love and Obedience from the Church, enforced it with the confidera– tion ofa fignal Benefit which it had received, and therein a Type of all Spiritual and Eternal Mercies, Exod. 20. 2). Hence two things are evident which clearly fiate this mat· ter. I. That Faith which we plac~ l"tpon, and the Honour which we give thereby unto the Peifon ofChri!l:, is equal– ly placed on, and honourequally given thereby unto the o– ther Perfons ofthe Father and the Holy Spirit, with refpefr unto that Nature which is the formal Reafon and Caufe of it. But it is peculiarly fixed onChrifi, with refpefr unto his Per– fan as God and man, and the Motives unto it, in the AB:s and Benefits of his Mediation. 2. Ail of Chrifl is confid~red and glorified in this. a&ing of X Faith