Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

/ 1 54 The Principle of the Aftignation of J)iroine Honour Faith on him. His Di-vine N~1tureas the formal caufe ofit. His Divine entirePerfon God andMan, as its properObjefr; and -the Benefits of his Mediation as the efpecial Motives thereunto. · This Faith in the Perfon of'Chrifi is the Spring and Foun– t<iin ofour Spirituallife. We live by the Faith ofthe Son qf God. In and by the aCl:ings hereofis it preferved, encreafed and firengthe.ned. For he is our life, Col. 2. 4· . And all flip. plies of it are derived from him by the achngs of Faith in . him. We receive the forgivenefs of fins, and an inheritance among them. that are fanchfied ly the Faith that is in him, ACl. 26. r8. Hereby do we a/Jide ·in him, without which we can do nothing, John, r 5. 5. Hereby is our Peace \Vith God maintained. For he is our Peace, Ephef 2. r + And in him wehave ~peace according to his Promife, John r6. 3< .– ,~.'\11 Hrength for the Mortification of fin, for the Co~que!l: ofTemptations,all our Encreafeand Growth in Grace,depend on the confiant aB:ings of this Faith in him. The Way and Method of this Faith is .that wl1ich we have· defcribed. A dueApprehenfion of theLoveofChrifi, with the effects of it in his whole Mediatory work on our behalf, efpecia11y in his giving himfelf for us, and our Redemption by his blood, is the great Moth•e thereunto. They whofe hearts are not deeply affected herewith, can never believe in' l3im in a due manner. I live, faith the Apofile, by the Faith of the Son of God, who lovedme, and g,a·ve himjdf for me. Unlefs a fenfe hereof be firmly implanted on our fouls; un– lefs we are deeply affe8ced with it, our Faith in him would · ~e 'Jeak and wavering, or rather, none at all. The due re– membrance of what the bleiTed Lord Jefus hath done for us, of the ineffable Love which was the fjJring, caufe and foun– tain of what he fo did, thoughts ofthe Mercy, Grace, Peace and Glory which he hath procured thereby, are the great . . and