Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

I 56 The ~)rinciple ofthe Afsij,nation ofDivine Honour See our Expojition on Heb, I. ver. r, 2, ) . Sometimes F!lith confiders him as on the Throne; fometimes as flanding, at the right hand ofGod; fometimes as over all God b)eifed for e– Ver; fometimes as the' Mediator between God and man, the man Chrifi Jefus . Sometimes his glorious Power; fometimes his infinite Condefcenfionis their relief. · Wherefore ia the fenfe now intended, he is confidered as the Ordinance, as the Servant ofGod who raifed him up from the deacl, andgave him Glory. So our Faith refpeCts not only l~is Perfon,but atl the afrs of. his O.ffice.lt isFaith in his Bloo~ Rom. ~. 2 5. It is the Will of God, that we ihould place our Fait{l and Truft in him and them, as the only means of our Acceptance with him, of all Grace and Glory from him. This is the proper Notion of a Mediator: So is he not the ultimate ObjeCl: of our Faith,wherein it refis,but God through him. Through him ha·ve we an Accefs in one ·spirit unto the ~-- Father, Ephef. 2. r8. So he is the Way whereby we go to God, Joh. r4- 6. See Heb. ro. r9, 2.o, 21. And this alio is F'aith in him, becaufe he is the immediate though not the ul– timate ObjeCl: of it, AD. 26. 18. This is that which renders our Faith in God Eva;!gelical. The efpecial Nature ,of it arifeth from our Refpefr unto God in Chrifi, and through him. And herein ~'aith princi- , pally regards Chrifi in the difcharge of his SacerclotalOffice• .For although it is alfo the Principle of all Obedience un· to him in his other Offices, yet as unto fixing our Faith in God through him, it is his Sacerdotal Office and the effecrs ofit, that we refi upon and trufi unto. It is through him as the I-iig,h Priejf over the Houfe of God, as he who hath made for us aNew and Living Way into the Holy Place, that we draw nigh toGod, Heb. 4-1 4, !5, 16. Chap IO.I9,2r,22. I John r. 2 . No