Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

wt{O--the Perfon ofChryr. I 57 No comfortable refrefhing tho-Pghts of God, no wan·an– table or acceptable Boldnefs in an approach .and accefs unto ·him, can any one entertain or receive, but in this exercife 01 Faith on Chrifi as the Mediator between God and Man. And if in the .PraCtice of Religion, this regard of Faith un· to him, rhis aCting of Faith on God through him, be not the principle whereby the whole is animated and guided, Chnflianity is renounced, and the vain cloud of natural Religion embraced in the roome ol it. Not a verbal mention of him, but the real Intention of Heart to come unto God by him is required of us ; and thereinto all ex– peCtation of acceptance with God, as unto otlt--P'erfons or . Duties is refolved. We have had. great endeavours of!ate by the Socinians to [et forth and adorn a natural Religion, as ifit were fufficient unto all ends of our living unto God. But as moil: of its pretended ornaments are fiollen from the Gofpel, or are ti:~med in an emanation of light from it, fu:>h as nature of it felf could not rife up unto; fo the whole proceeds from a diflike of the rviediation of Chrifi, and even wearinefs of the Profeffion of Faith in him. So is it with the minds ofm~n, who were never affeCted with Supernatural Reve~ lation:s, with the Myfiery oJ the Gofpel,beyond the owning of fome Notions of Truth, who never had experience of its 'Power in the Life of God. · But here lies the Trial offaith truly E-vangelical. Its fl:cady beholding of the Sun of Right~ ou1i1efs proves it genu1ne and from above. And let them take heed who find their – hearts remifs or cold in this exercife of it. When menbeo-in . b to fatigfy themfelves with general hopes of Mercy in God w:thout a continual refpefr unto the Interpoiition and Ivfc. ·diation of Chrifi, whereinto their Hope and Trufi is rcfol– ved, there is a decay in their Faith, and proport!on:1bly in aI!