Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

1 58 Obedience unto C!Jrifl, all o~h~r .Evang~li:al Grace~ alf~. Herein lies the Myfrery ofCr. nfhan Reltgton, wh1ch tne world feems . to be almoft wearyo£ cHAP. XI. Obedience unto Chri.ft, the Nature and Caufes.ofit. ALL I.wly O!Jedience both Inter al and External is that wh1ch we proppfed as the fecond Part of our Religi· gious Regardunto the Perfon of Chrifi. His great lnjunB:i· on unto his Difciples is, ihat they keep his Commandments, without which, noneare fo. Some fay the Lord Chrifl: is to be conGdered as a Law– g,i·ver and the Gofpel as a now Law given by him, whereby our Obedience unto him is to be regulated. Sorr..e abfolutely deny it, and will not grant the Gofpel in -any fenfe to bea neiv Law. And many difpute about thefe t hings, whileft O!Jedience it felf is on all hands generally negleCted. But this is that wherein our principal concernment cloth lie. I :fhall not therefore at preient immix my felf in any needlefs difputations. 'Thofe things wherein the Nature and Neceili· ty of our Obedience unto him is concerned, fl1al1 be briefly - declared. The Law under the Old Teframent taken generally had . two Pa!1tS. Firfl:, the Moral Preceptive Part of it; and Secondly, the lnflitutions ({worjhipappointed for that feafon. Thefe are .ioyndy and difiincrly called the Law. In refpeB: unto the firfi: of thefe,the Lord Chrifi gave no New Law, nor was the Old abrogated by him, which it mufl: be if another were