Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

the Nature and Caufes ofit.· t6l is in him and with him; fo ofold as the great Angel ofGods Prefence he was in the Church in the Wildernefs with a dele– gated Power, Exod, 2 3· 20, 21, 22. Behold I fend an Angel 6efore thee to ketp thee in the wcry, and to bring, thee into zhe place whtch I haveprepared. Beware ofhim and obey his voice, provoke him not, for he will not pardon) 1 0Ur Tranjj;rejjions, for my Name is in him. BM if thou ]halt indeedobey his voice, and do all that I!peak; T.he Name ofGod the Father is fo in him, that is, he is fo partaker of the fame Nature with him, that his voice is the voice of the Father. If thou obey his voice, and do all that I !peak. Neverthelefs he aCl:s herein as the An– gel of God , with Power and Authority deligated from him. · So is he ftill immediately prefent with the Church requiring Obedience in the Name and Majefty of God~ ~. All Judgement upon and concerning this Obedience is committed unto him by the Father, For the Father judg,eth no man, (that is, immediately as the Father.) but hath commit– tedallJudgment unto the Son, Joh. 5- 22. Hehathg,iven him Authority to execute Judgment, becaufe he is the Son of man. J7er. 27. And his Judgment is the Judgment of God; for the Father who judgeth none immediately in his own Perfon, judgeth all in him, 1 Pet. 1. I 7· Ifyatt call on the Father who without rejpefl of Perfons judg,etl; every one according to his ~ork. Hedoth foin and by the Son unto whom all Judgment 1s committed. And unto him are we to have regard in all our Obedience, unto whom we mufl: give our account con.. cerningit, and by whom we are and mufi be finally judged upon it.To this purpofe fpeaks theApoftle,Rom.r4.Io,r r,r2. We mufl allfland before the Judgment $eat of Chri/f, for it is written, as !live faith the Lore!, every knee Jhall bow to · me, and every tongue jhallconfefs to God,fo every one ofus jhallgive a11. ~ccount ofhimfelf to God .. He proveth that we fhall alljland before the Judgment Seat of Cbrifl, orbe judged by him, by a Y 2 Tefiimony