' I ·I 64 . Obedience tmto Cl)rifl, &c~ T efl:imony of Scripture that we ihall be all fo judged by God himfelf; and give an account ofour felves unto him. And a5 this cloth undeniably prove and confirm theDivine Natureof Chrifl:, withoutthe Faith whereof, there is neithe~ cogency in the Apofiles·T efiimony, nor force in his arguing; fo he declares that God judgeth us only in and by him. In this · regard of our Moral Obedience unto Chrifi, lies the way whereby Qod will be glorified. . Secondly, All things are yet more plain with refpefi unto Inflitutions of Vivine Worjhi!J. The appointment of all Di– vine Ordinances under the New Tefiament, was his efpecial province and work, as the Son and Lord over his own houfe. And Obedience unto him in the obfervance of them is that which he gives inefpecial charge unto all his Difciples, Mut: 28.I8,I9,2o. And it is nothing butalofs of that Subjection of Soul and Confcience unto him, which is indifpenfibly requi– red ofall Believers, that bath fer the Minds of fo many at 1i. berty to do and obferve in Divine \Vorfhipwhat they · pleafe, without any regard unto his Infiitutions. It is otherwife with refpefr untoMoral Duties. For the things ofthe Moral Law, have an Obligation on our Confciences, antecedent unto the · enforcement of them by the Authority ofChrifl:, and there holds us fafl:.. But as unto things ofthe latter fort, our Con– fciences can no way be affected with a fenfe ofthem, or a neceility of Obedience in them, but by the foie and immedi– ate Authority of Chrifl: himfel£ Ifa fenfe hereof be loft in. our Minds, we f11allnot abide in the Obfervance of his Corn· mands. - CH AP•