t 66 The ejpecial Principle ofObedience not tbe Lord 'Jefus cFrijl, let him !Je Anathema Maranatha, r Cor. I 6. 2 2. And what was added unto the Curfe of the Law,' we may add unto this ofthe Gofpel; and all the peo– plejballfay Amen. 'Eeut. 27. 26. And on the other hand, he prays for Grace, on all that lo·ve him in jincerity, Epbef 2. 26. Wherefore none whodefire to retain the name of Chrifiians, can deny in words at leafl:, but that we ought with all our Hearts to love the LordJefu.r Chrifl. . I do not fo difiinguifhLove from Obedience as though it were not it felf a part, yea the cheifefi part ofour Obedience. So is Faith alfo, y~t is it confiantly difl:inguii11ed from Obe– dience properly fo called. This alone is that which I :lhall demonfirate, namely, that there .is, and ought to !Je in all Be– lievers, a Divine gracious Love unto the Perjon of Chrifl, im– mediate!J fixed on htm, where!Jy they are excited unto,and aEleJ· ' i1t all their Ohdzence unto his Authority. Had it been only pleaded, that many who pretend Love unto Chrifi, do yet evidence that they love him not, it is that which the Scrip– ture tefiifieth, and continual experience cloth proclaim. If an Apj:;lication of this charge had been made unto then;t, whofe fincerit\ in their Profeffion ofLoveuntohim, can be . no way evitl:ed, it ought to be bornwith patience, amongfl: other reproaches of the fame kind that are caft upon them. And fome things are to be premifed unto the Confirmation .. of our Aifertion. . · · It. It is granted, that there may be a falfe pretence of Love unto Chrill. And as this pretence is ruinous unto the fouls of them in whom )t is, fo it ofttimes renders them pre– judicial and troublefol}ie unto others . There ever were, and probably ever willoeHypocrites in the Church. And afalfe pretence of Love is of the e«ential form of Hypocrify: The firil: great AB:: of Hypocrify with refpeCl: unto Chnfi was Treachery vailed with adouble pretence of Love, .He cried hail