Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

unto the Perjon of C/;rifl. r67 . hail Mafter, and kiffeclhimwho betrayed hi m. His words and afrio~sproclaimedLove, but Deceit and Treachery were~· in his Heart. Hence the Apofile prays for Grace on them who love the LordJefu.r,~v dcp~paix; without diilimufatiQ~. or __:r– doubling, without pretences ~nd aims at. ot~er e~ds, w1th-. .out a mixture ofcorrupt Affechons ; that lS Smcenty, Ephej. 6. 24. It was propheii.ed of him, that many who were firangers unto his Grace, fhould lie unto him, P fa I. I 8. 44·' ('?-~t!'n~' i~J 'J":J)feignedlyJubmit or yield feigned Obedience unto him. So is it with them who profefs Love unto him, yet are Enemies of his Crofs, u:hofe end is deflruaion, whofe· God is their belly, whofe glory ts in their jbame, who mind eartiJ!y things, Phil. 3· 18, 19. A~l that are called Chri i; ians in the world, do by owning that denomination, profefs a love unto Jefus Chriit. But greater enemies, greater haters ofhim he hath not am01=1g the children of men, than many of them are. This faHly pretended Love, is worf~ than a– vowed hatred. Neither will the pretence of it fiand men in fiead at the lafr day. No other anfwer will be given unto the plea of it, be it in whom it will, but depart from me, I never knewyou, you workers of Iniquity. Whereas therefore he himfelf hath prefcribed this Rule unto all who would be ' efieemed his Di~ciples, If JOU lo·ve me, keep my Command– ments, we may farely conclude all who live in a negleCt of his Commands, whatever they pretend or profefs, the, , love him not. And the fa~isfaB:ion which men, through much ~arknefs, and many corrupt prejudices, .have att2ined unto m the profeilion of Chrifiian Religion, without an internal fincere Love unto Chrifi himfelt~ is th~tt which ruines Reli– gion and their own fouls. 2. As there is a falfe pretence ofLo-ve unto Chrifi, fo there is, or may be a falje Love unto him alfo. The perfons in . whom it is) may' in fome meafure be fincere, and yet their Love