1 c8 The efpecial Principle ofObediwce Love· unto Chrifr may not be pure, nor fincere, -fuch as an– fwers theP rinciples and Rules of the Gofpel. And as many tleceiv ~ others, fo fome deceive thernfelves in this matter. tlJ~_e.y/(nay think that they love ChriO:, but indeed do not fo. 1.l\nd this I ihall manitefl: in fome few Infiances. .:..s. • 1 1. Tb.at Love iJ" not fincere and incorrupt, which proceedeth not from,which is not a fruit of Faith.Thofe who do not ,firfl: really believe on Chrifl:, can never iincerely love him. It is Faith alone that worketh fry Love towards Chrifl: and all his Saints. If therefore any do not believe with .that.Faith which unites them unto Chrifi, vvhich within purifies 'the heart, and is outwardly eflefrual in Duties of Obedience; whatever they may perfwade themfelves concerning Love unto Chrifr, it is but a vain delufion. Where' the Faith of men is dead, their Lovewill not be living and fincere. ~ 2. That Love is not fo, which arifeth from falft Idea's and Reprefentations that men make ofChrifl:, or have made ofhim in their minds. Men may draw Images in their minds of what they moil fancy, and then dote upon them. So fome think of Chrifl: only as ·a Glorious Perfon exalted~-:iP Heaven at the Right hand ofGod,without farth~r apprehelft– ons of his Natures and Offices. So the Roman Mij]iott.a~:~.ies~re-: prcfented him unto fome of theIndians concealingftofu them his Crofs and Sufferings. But every falfe Notion conce~ning his Perfon or his Grace, what he is, hath done, or ppth, corrupts the Love that is pretended unto him. : .Shall we think that they love Chrifi by whom his Divine Nature is denied? Or that thofe do fo who disbelieve th~ reality 'ot his Humane Nature? or thofe by ~horn the Union of both in the fame Perfon is rejefred ? ~here cannot be true . Evangelical Love unto a falfe Chrifl:, fuch asthefe Imaginati-. ons do fancy. . 3. So is that Love, which is not in al~ things as to Ca':lfes, . ~~~