i 7 2 The efpecial Principle of Obedimce Thefe thing;; being premifed, that which we a!fert,_ . is·) t hat there is andought tobe in all Belie-vers, a ReligiousGr_aci~ ousLove!.mto thePerfonofChrifl, difi:infrfrom, andthe Rea· .fon of their Obedience unto his commands; that is, it is di– ftinfr fromall other commands ;_but isalfo it felf commanded - ·· andrequired ofus ina way of Duty. · That there is in the Church fuch a Lov·e unto tile Perfon of Chri!l:, the Scripture tefi:ifies both in the Pre<:epts it gives for it, ana the examples ofit. And alJ thofe who truly believe .cannot apprehend that they underfi:and any thingofFaith, or Love of Chri!l:, or themfelves, by Wf1om it is called in ~e!l:i. on. If therefore lfhould enlarge on this Subjeer, a great part of the Dochine of the Scripture from fir!l: to lafi: mull: be reprefented, and a Tranfcript of the Hearts of Believers :wherein this Love isfeated and prevalent, be madeaccording to onr Ability. And there is no Subject thar 1could more wl.llinglly enlarge upon. But I muft at prefent contract my felf in compliance with my deftgn Two thing$ only I iliall demonfi:rate. (1.) That the Perjon ofChrifl is the Objet1ofDi- . 'Vine Love. (2 ) What is the Nature ofthat Lo1x in m; what are the Grounds of it, and. the Ivfotives unto it, in them:that do believe. In. reference unto the firfi: ofthofe,the enfuing pofition fhall be the SUbjeer ofthe remainder of this Chapter. The Perfin ofChrijl is ti!Je principal O!Jjeel of the Love ofGod; andofthe wholeCreationp-articiprmt ofhis Image. The Reafon ·· why 1thus, extend theAifertion,_, will appear in thede.clara.ti– on of it. 1.. No·fmaU part of the eternal Bleffednefs of the Holy - God, conftfieth in the mutual Lo·v~ of the Father andtbe Son, by the Spirit. As. lle is the only begotten of the Father, he is the firfi: neceffary, adequate, compl~at Object of the "holeLove of the :Father. Hence he fays of himfelf, that from' ..