· tmt~ t!)ePerjOJi ofCbrijl; , I-73' from eternity he was by him, as brought up with him, af;d was daily his delight, rejoycing alwaies !Jejore him, Pro·v. 8. 30· Whi eh place was opened before. In him was the ineffable, eternal, unchangeable Delight and Complacency of the Fa · ther, as the full ObjeB: of Ius Love. The fame is ~expreffed in that Deftription of him, Joh. I . . r8. ihe onl:J !Jegotten So.~; who is in the !Jofom .ofthe Father. His being the only begotte,n Son declares his eternal Relation unto the Perfon of the Fa– ther, of whom he was begotten in the enj:ire Communica~ tion of the whole Divine Nature. Hereon he is in the !Jofom of the Father. In the eternal/embraces of his Love, as his onl~ begotten Son. The Father loves, and cannot but love his ownNature and EGential Image inhim. . . Herein originally is God Love. For God is Love, 1 Joh. +8. This is the Fountain and Prototype of all Love, as being eter– nal and neceli,wy. All other aB:s of Love are in God,but Ema– nations from hence, and effeB:s of it. As he doth Good, /;e. ccJUfe be is Good~ fo he loveth, becaufe he is Love. He is Love Eternally and Neceffarily ia this Love of the Son; and all other workings·ofL~ve, are but aB:s ofhis Will, whereby fomewhatofit is outwardly expreffed. And all Love in the Creation was· introduced from this Fountain,. to give a fha· dow and refemblance.ofit. . · Lo~e is that which contemplative m. en have ahvaies al– mofi adored .' Many thir1gs ha~e they fpoken to evince it to be the Light, Life, Luitre and Glory of the whole Creati– on. But the Originabnd Pattern of it, was alwaies hid from the wifefi Philojophers ofold . Something they' reached after ~bo~t Gods. Lo·~e unto I;im~elfwith Refi a.n~ Complacency m h1s own .mfimte excellenCies.. But oftlus meffable mutu– al Lov~of the Father and·the Son, both inand l;y that Spirit _ which proceeds from them both, they had neither Appre– h.c.nfion nor ConJeCture. Yet as he.rein cloth the principal p~ut: •