-17'4 7 /;eefpecial Principle ofObedience part (if\v~· rr~ay fa fpeak) ofth~ Bl~~dn~fs of the:tJoly God • conlifr, fo 1s 1t ~he only Fountam ancl Pro.totype of all thcrt is truly -- called Love. A Bleffing and Glory which the Crea– tion had never been madepartaker of,.bu~ only to exprefs ac· ::·cording to the capacity of th~ir feverql natures, this infinite .and eternal Love of God; For Gpd 's ~oy~of himfelf,whi~11 is natural and necelfary unto the Divine aeing, conlifl:s in the mutual complacency of the Fath~r and the Son by the Spirit. And it ~vas to exprefs hirp(elf, that God made any thing without himfel£ He ma..cle the H~avens and the Earth to exprefs·his Being, Goodnefs a,nd Powe_r. He created matl i n his (;Wn Image, to exprefs his Holinefs,ang_}lighteoufnefs,' and h e implanted Lo·ve in ournatures~ to e-xp~efs this e~ernal mutual Love of the Holy Perfons of the Trinity. . But we mufl: leave it under the vail of infinite in~omprel1enfiblenefs; though Admiration and Adoration of it _be not withou.t th,e highefi fpiritual i:1.tisfafrion. · _ Again, He is the peculiar Oljeft of the Lo·ve of t .he Father, of the Love ofQod, as he is incarnate, as he hath taken on him, and hath now difcharg~d the work of Mediation, Qr continues in the difcharge of it; that is, the Perfon ofC,hrifl, as God-man, is the peculiar Obj_efr of-theDivin~ Lov.e <?f tqe Father. The Perfon of Chrifl: in his Divin~ Nature is the - adequat-e Objeer ofthaeLove of the Father which is acl intra, a natural neceiliry Afr of the 'Divine·E!fence in its difiinfr Perfonal ExiGence: And the Perfon of_Chrifi as incarnate, as cloathed with Humane Nature, is the firfi and full Objeer ofthe Love of the ,. Father in thofe Afrs ofit, :which are ad - extra, or are towards any thing without himfelf. So he qe. dares himfelf in the profpefr of his future Incarnation and work. Behold myJerva~t wbom I uphold, mine Elefl in wffom m) foul def,l,hteth, lfa~ 42. I. The delight ofthe foul ofGod, his refi and complacency, which are the great effects of Love,