Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

tmto t!Je Perfonof Chrift. 1'·75 Love, are in the Lord Chrifi as his Elefr and Servant in the .work of Mediation. And the T efiimony hereof he renewed twice from Heaven afterwards, Matth. 3· 17. Loe a voice from Heaven,foying, ]his. is my Beloved San in whom I am well pleafed ; as -it is again repeated:; Matth. 17·'5· All things ·are difpofed to give a due i(mfe unto us, of this· Love of God unto him. The Tefiimony concerning it is twice re– peated in the fame words from Heaven. And the words of it are emphatical unto the utmofi of our comprehenfion. i1'[y Son, my Ser·i.Ji:mt, mine Elect, my helo·ved Son in whom I rej!, · in whom I delight, and am well pleafed . It is the will of God to leave upon our hearts a fenfe of this his Love unto Chrifi; fbr this voice came fr-om Heaven, not.for his fake who was alwaies filled wiah:a fenfe of this Divine Love,but, · for ours,'that we might. believe it. This he pleaded as the .Foundation of all the Trufi repo- , fed in him, and all the Power committed unto him. ]he Fa– "'ther loveth the Son, and hatb given all things into his hand, John 5. 3)· ]he Father lo·veth the SM,_and foeweth ,him all things that himfelf doth, John 5~ 20. And the fenfe or due apprehenfion of it, is the Foundation of Chrifiian Religion. Hence he prays that we may know that God hath ' loved him, Jdmi7.23;26. - In this fenfe, . tlte Perfon of.-.Chrifl: i• the. 'lf'fi;'TOv ~xll1fJv, · the firfl: recipient SubjeCt of all that Divine Love -which ex. tendsitfelfuntothe Church. It is .all, thewhole: ofit, in the firfi place fixed upon him, and by and through him is- com~ mumcated unto the Church. Whatever it receives in Grace .and Glory, it is but the itreams of this Fountain Love unto ·himfelf So he prays for all his Difciples, that the Love,faith he, wherewitb thouhafllovecl me, may /Je in them, and I in · . them, Job. 17. 26. T Ley can be partakers of no other Love,. neither in it felf nor in its fruits , but that alone wherewith the_