.,, "' 7 6 Tl:e efpecial Principle ofObedience the Father fi'rft loved him. H~ loveth him for us all and us n~ otherwife but~s in him.He makes us acceptecl in th;/;~lo·ved, [ip!Jef I: 6. Hets the Beloved ot the Father, x.xT' ~ox~v;as m all thmgs he was to have the Preheminence, Col. I. 18. The Love ofthe Body is derived u.nto it from the Love unto the Head. And in the Love ofhim cloth God Love the whole Church and no otherwife, He loves none but as united unto him, and participant of his Nature. Wherefore the Love ofthe Father unto the Son, as the only begotten, and the e«entiallmage of his Perfon, wherein the ineffable Delight of the Divine Nature cloth coqlifl:, was the Fountain and Caufe ofallLovG in the Creation, byanA&of the Will ofGod for its Reprefentation. And the Love of God the Father unto the Perfon of Chrifr as incarnate, being the firfr adequate Objefr of Divine Love 'Yherein there is any thingaJ extra, is the Fountain and efpecial Caufe of all gra- . cious Love towards us and in us. And our Love unto Chrift ·· . being the only outward Expreffion and Reprefentation of this Love of the Father unto him, therein confiits the prind~ pal part of our Renovation into his Imag~. No~hing~rende~s us io like unto God as our Love unto Jeius Chnfr, tor he ts the principal Obje&of his Love; in him doth his foul reil:, in in him is he alwaies well pleafed. Wherever this is wanting, whatever there may be b( fides, there is nothing of the Image ofGod. He thatloves not Jefus Chrift. let him be Anat!Je- . ma Maranatha ; for he is unlike unto God, his carnal Mind is Enmity againfi God. Among thofe who are in the !mage of Got!, .the Angels_a~ . bove are of t~e firfr confideratwn. We are mdeed as yet much in the dark unto the things that are within the Fail: 'They areabove us as unto our prefent ~apacity, a.nd hit!fr~m ur, as unto our prefent fl:ate~ B~ut there lS enough m the Scnp. ture to manitefi the Adhefion or An3els unto the Perfon ?f /, Cbnfl: