Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

unto tl·?Perfon ofChrifl. I 77 Chrifr by Divine Love. For Love proceeding from fight, is the Life of the Church above; as Love proceeding from Faith is the Life of die Church below. And this Life the Angels themfelves do live. For, · ' I. They were all' unto their inexpreilible prefent Advan– til ge and Security .for the future, brought into that Recovery and Racapitulation of all things \vhich God hath made in him. He hathgathered together in one all tping,s in Chrijl both which are in Heaven andwhich are on Earth, e·ven in him, E)hef I. ro. The things in He~ven, and things inEarth, An– gels above, and Men below, \vere originally united in the Love of God. God's Love unto them, whence fprings their ·mutual Love between themfelves, was a bond of union be- • tween them, rendring them one compleat family of God in Heaven and Earth, as it is called ,Ephef 3. r 5. On the entrance of fin, whereby mankind forfeited their Interefr in the Love of God~ and loft all Love unto him, or any thing for him, this Vnion was utterly' di{folved, and mutual Enmity came into the place of its Principle .in Love. God is pleafed to · gather up thefe divided parts ofhis Family into one, in one Head, ;which is Chrift Jefus. And as there is hereby an Union efiablifhed again between Ang,els and the Church in Love, fo their adherence unto the Head, the Ce.nter, · Life and Spring of this Union, is byLove and no otherwife. It is not Faith, but Love that is the bond of this Union between Chriil: and them ; and herein no fmall part of their Bleifed· nefs and Glory in Heaven cloth conGil:. 2. ThatWorfojp, Adoration, Service and Obedience which they yield unto him, are all in like manner animated with Love and Delight. In Lov.e they cleave l}nto him, in Love - they worihip and ferve him. They had a command to wor fo~p him on his Nativity, Heb. I. 6. and they did it \vith joy_ exultation and praifes, all dfects of Love .and Delight Aa Luk