Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

17B· 1 he~ ~[pecial P:inciple of'Obedience· Luke 2. q, 14- And as they continue about the Thro~e .of God, they fay with ,a loud voice, 14/or.thy is the Lam/; that was flain to receive Power, and Riches, and Wifdom, and· Strength, and HoHour, ,andGlory, and Blejfing,, Rev. 5. I 1, r 2. TheiF continual afcription ofGlory and Praiie unto him, is arr effecr of Reverential Love and Delight. And from thence alfo is their concernmenr in his Gofpel and Grace, EpheJ ~· 9, 10. I Pet. 1. 12. ·Nor: without this Love in the highefi , degree, can it be conceived how they f110uld be bleifed and happy in their continual employment. For they are all mi– nifiring,Jjirits feni forth to mlnifler for the heirs ofJalvatio...,, He/;. I. L4- Were they not acred hereiri by their fervent Love unto Chrift, they could have· no delight in· their own Minifiry. _ · We have rtot, we cartnot have in this world a, full com– pr-ehenfton of the nature of Angeti.cal Love.. Our notions are· but dark and uncertain in things ·whereof we can have no ex– perience. Wherefore we cannot have here a. clear intuition· ihto the nature of the Love 'Of Spirits, whilfi -our own is . mixed with what det:ives from the acring? ofthe animal fpi.· rits o.frour bodies alfo.. -But the· Bleifednefs of Angels dotb. not ton'fiU in the~ndowm.ents of their nature, that th.ey are· ·great in Power, Light, Knowledge and Wifdom. for not– \vithftanding thefe things, many of them became Vevils. But the Excellency and Bleffednefs ofthc A;1gelicaljfflte con-– fifi tn thefe two things. ( I.) That they are difpofed, and' able cemftantly, infeparabJy, univerfally, uninterrLiptedly to deaV·e tinto 'God fQ Love. And as they do fo unto·God, fo– they do unto :rhe Perfon ofChrifl, and through him as their H~ad unto God, ~ven the iFather. ( 2·. ) Add hereunto ,that ~gracious reflex fen[~ which they have of the Glory, Dignity, 'eterna'I f\veetnefs and fatisfacrion which arifethfrom hence,. ·~mdWGhave the fumme or Angelica! Ble:ffednefs. . ~ ..The · /