unto t'he Perfon of ClJr[fl. 179 3· The Church ofMankindi~ the other part ·of the rational ·creation wh,ereon the Image of God is re?ewe~. Lo~e u?to the Perfon of Cbrifi proceeding frol]l Fa1th, 1s the1r L1fe, their Joy and Glory. It was fo unto the Church under the Old iefl/fment. Th~ whole Book of Canti~les is defigned to no oflwr purpofe? but varioui1y to :U1adow forth, to infinuate and reprefer:t the mutual Love of Chrifi a-nd the Church. Blefied 1s he who underflands the faying~ of that Book, and hath the ex– perience ofthem in his heart, Th~ forty fifth P falm among others is deiigned uoto the fame purpofe. · All the gloriou$ Defcriptions which are given of hi$ Perfon jn the reftdue of ' ~he Prophets, were only means to excite Love \tnto him 1 ·and defires after him.. · Henc~ i5 be call€d ~,,) ',::J .n1nn. ·· Hag. 2. i· ihe D_efireof.{l/1 Nations. He alone who is de(i~ rable unto., aud the only Beloved · ~9f~he C.hu.rch, ga~Q.e.r.ed ,out ofall Nations. ' · The clear Rev.elation ofth~ Perf0n ofChrj1.1, fo as to .ren. der him th.e direfr ObjeC}: of our Lovv, with the Caufes and Reafons of it, is one of the mofi emine,nt P.riviledges of the New Tefiament. And it is varipqfly attefied ia Precepts, Promifes, ilnfrances, and ;fokm-n Ap,p.rpbations. Wherever he fuppofei:h or .requir-ed) this Love in any of his Difciple-s, it isnot only as their Duty, as that which they were obliged unto by the Pretept~ of the Gofpel, but as that without which no other Duty what,fver is accepted by him. If, faith he,;·e lo'Ve me, keep my Commandment!, John I4. I 5· He fo requires Love unto himfelf, as not to expect or ap– prove ofany Obedience unto his Commands without it. It is a great and bleffed Duty to feed the Sheep andLam/Js of Chrijl: Ye~ will not he ac;cept of it unlefs it proceeds out ofLove un– to his ~Perfon. Simon Son ofJonas, lu'Vfj/ thou me, feed my Lam/Js, John 2 I. I), 16, I 7· Three tin:es did he repeat th_~ A.a 2. fame