Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

1 3o .The efpecial Principle of Obedience fa-me words to him who had failed in his love towards him by d\enying him tbrice. Without this Love unto him, he requires ot none to feed his Sheep, nor will accep~ of what they pretend to d.o th~rein. It were a bleffed tliing, if a due apprehenfion hereof did alwaies abide vvith them that are calied unto that work. Hereunto cloth he annex thofe bleffed P~omifeJ which comprize the whole of our peace, fafety and confolation in this world. He (faith he) that loveth me, }hall /;e loved of my Father, and I will lo·ve him, and manifefl my fel( unto him, Johu 14-21. And ver. 2~. My Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him~ What heart can conceive, what tongue can expr~fs the glory of thefe Promifes, or the leafi part of the Grace that is con. tained in them ? Who can conceive aright of the Divine Condefcenfiun, Love and Grace that are expreffed in them? How little a portion .is it that we know of God in thefe things? But if we value them not, if we labour not for an ~xperience of them according unto our meafure, we have neither lot nor portion in the Gofpel·. The -prefence and abode of God with us as a Father manifefiinghimfelf to be fuch unto us,- in the infallible pledges and aiiurances of our Adoption : The prefence of Chrifi with _us, revealing him– felf unto us with all thofe ineffable mercies wherewith thefe things are accoJ,npanied, are all contained in them. And thefe Promifes a-re peculiarly given unto_them that love the Perfon of Chrifi, and in the exercife of Love towards him. Hereunto are ~efigned the Gofpel Gerazim and Ehal, the ' denunciation ofbleilings and curfes.As blel1ings are declared to be their portion w/fo love the Lord Jejits in jincerity, Ephef. 6. 24. fo thofe who love him not, have the fubfb nce of all curfes denounced againfi them, even Anat /;r: ;na ll1.ar ;.;-!1.tL.,;·;