, .. . unto the Peifor: ofCbrifl. ranidha, I Cor. c. I 6. v~ 2:2. So far fl1all fuch perfons be, whatever they m.ttY profefs of outward Obedience unto _ the G<?fpel, from any bleifed imerefr in the Promifes of it, as that they are jufily liable unto final excifion from the .Church in this world, and eternal maledittion in that which is to come. It is evident th~refore that the Love of the Church of Believers unto the Perfon of Chrifr, is not a difiempered . fancy, not a deluding Imagination, · as fome have blaf-' phemed, but that which ·the nature of their Relation un– to him makes neceifary ; that wherein they exprefs their Renovation into the Image of God, that which the Scrip- · ture indifpeofibly requires of them, and whereon all their fpiritual comforts do depend. Thefe things being fpoken in general, the particular nature, effetts, operations and motives of this Divine Love mufi: now be farther enquired into. . . ' .. •' CHAP~ I