Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

tts it ~rejpeCfs t/;e Perfon ofClJrijl: r8 3' Affection hath fuch .power in the·foul to caufe it to clea~e unto its Object,. and to:work it unto a conformity unto It. Moil: other Aff<:£tions are tranfient in their operations, and work by a tranfport of nature, as anger, joy, fear, an<d the ' like. But Love is capable of a confl:ant exercife, is a fpring unto all other Aftechons, and unites the foul with an effi– cacy not eafte to be expre.(fed, unto its ObjeCt. And fl1aU we think that God who made all things for himfelf, did cre– ate this ruling Affefrion in and with our Natures, meerly that we might be able to turn from him, and cleave unto' other things, with a power and faculty abov:e any we have of adherence unto him.Wherefote at our firf1: Creation,and in· our primitive condition Lo7Je was the very foul and quicken- . ing Principle of the Life of _God, and on our adherence unto, , him thereby, the continuance of our Relation unto him, did. . depend. The Law, Ru-le and P.1eafure of it was, Thou Jhalt l ove the Lord thy Gvdwith all thy heart, mu! all thy foul.. For this end did God create this Affection in us. Not only our Perfons in their Nature and Being, but in all their powers and faculties, were fitted and prepared unto this end), ofliving unto.God, and coming unto the 'enjoyment 0f him. And all their exer~ife on createdObjects was to be direcred - unto this end. ·wherefore the placing of our Love on any thing before Go.:l , or acove him, is a formal expreiiion of our Apoftacy from him. · 2. Di,vine Excd/e,tcies are a proper adequate Object of our Lov-e. The Will indeed can adhere Ut1to nothing in Love, but what the t;mderil:anding apprehends-asunto·its Truth and: Being. · But it_is not neceffary that the underflandingdo flJHv~ comprehend the \V hole Nrrture of that which _the Will cloth fo adhere unto. Where adi fcovery is made unto andLy the .Mind ~freal G_ooc!ne(s and Ami;1 bJencfs , the Vi!l tlwre c m : dofe \vith its afrecrions. And thefc arc :1 1 Y1 )rel:tended as abj • 1 1o~u telf