Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

I 84 The Nature) Opemtions and Caufes of 1)i1Jine Lo1Je, folutely the mofl: perfefr in the Divine Nature and Holy Pro: p ::-rties of it. vVhereas therefore not only that which is the proper Obje!i of Lo·ve is in the Divine Excellencies, but it is · there only periectly and abfolutely, without the mixture of · any thing, that fhould give ir: an allay, as there is in all Crea– tures, they are .the moil fuitable and adequate Objefr of our Lov~ · . There is no greater difcovery of the Depravation of our Natures by fin, and degeneracy of our Wills from their Ori: ginal ReCtitude, than that whereas we are fo prone to the Love of other things, and therein do feek for L1tisfafrion unto our fouls, where it is not to be obtained, it is fo hard and difficult to raife our hearts unto the Love of GocL ' · vVere it not f~r that depravation, he would alwaies ap · 1)ear as the only fuitable and fatisfaClory Objefr.unto our affefrions. 3. T he cfpecial Objefr of Divine gracious Love, is the ~ :Eivtne Gooclnejs. How great is his Goodnfjs, how great is his Be.1uty, :Zech: 9· I 7. .Nothing is amiable, or aproper Oh;. jeer of Love, but what isgood, and as it is fo. Hence Divine Goodnefs which is infinite, hath an abfolutely perit:£f ami– ablenefs accompanying of it. Becaufe his Goodnefs.is inex· preffible, his Beauty is fo. How great is his Goodncfs, how great is his Beauty ? Hence are we called to give thanks un– to the Lord, and to re)OJ ce in him, which are the Effefrs of · Love, becaufe he is good, Pfal. 1 o6. L I 36. r. Neither isDivine Goocl11ejs the efpecial Objeer of our Love as abfolutely corifidered. But we have a .refpefr unto it, as comprchenfive of all that 1v1ercy , Grace and Bounty, which are fu ited to give us t he befi relief in our prefent condit ion, and an eternai future Reward. In f1nite Goodnefs ·exerting it fe lf in all thnt l\tfercy, Grace, Faithfulnefs and Bounty– wll ich arc needful untoour Relief ::nd · BleGcdnefsin our pre1 ·~' r; t . "' .........