Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

M~it riftects t1Je Perfon of CT)rift. defireofthe· nearefl:Union whereof our Natures are capable. We are made for him,and cannot reil: until we come unto him. Our Goodnefs extends not unto God; we cannot profit him by any thin a that we are, or can do. Whe~fore his Love unto us h:rh not refpect originally unto any good in our felves, but is a gracious free Afr of his o~n. · He cloth good for no other reafon but becaufe he i~ goo?·. Nor ea~ his infinite perfefrions take any caufe for their Ongmal Achngs without himfelf. He wants nothing that he would fupply~ by the Enjoyment of us. But we have indigency in our felves to caufe our Love to feek an_ Objefr without our felves. And fo his Goodnefs, with the Mercy, Grace and Bounty included therein is the Caufe, Reafon and Objefr of our Love. We love them for themfelves; and be- -caufe we are wanting and indigent, we love them with a de~ fire of Union and Enjoyment wherein we find that our Satif– facrton and Bleifednefs cloth confifr. Love in general unites · the Mind unto the ObjeCt, the Perfon loving unto the thing ~or Perfon beloved. So is it expreffed in /an infiance of humane, temporary changeable Love, namely, that of Jona-: than to 'Da·vid. His .foul was knit to the foul of David, and he loved him as his own foul, 1 Sam. 18. I. • Love had fo effefrually united them, as that the foul of David was as his own. Hence are thofe expreffions of this Divine Love, by cleaving unto God, following hard after him, thirft– ing, panting after him, with the like intimations of the mofl: earneft endeavours of our Nature after Union and Enjoy· ment. When the foul hath a viewbyFaith (whichnothing-elfe can give it) oftheGoodnefs of God as manifefl:ed in Chriil:,that is of the eifential excellencies of his Nature as exerting them~ felves in him, it reachethafter him with its mofi earnefi em– braces, and is refilefs until it comes unto perfefr fruition. It B b 2 fees