as it rifpeBs the Perfon ofCl:rifl. I 89 and would be themfelves like unto him. And as Love liath this tendency, and is\ that which gi:ves difqu'~etment unto the foul when and wheret~ we are unlike unto God, fo it fiirs up confiant endeavours ~fter Ajjimulationunt~ him, an? ~ath , a Principal Efficacy unto that End. Love 1s the Prmc1ple ,that aCtually Ajjimulate}and conforms us unto God, as Faith is the Principle which originally difpofeth thereunto. In our Renovation into the Image ofGod, the transforming, Pow~r is radically feated in Faith, but ails itJelfby Love. Love pro– ceeding from · Faith 1 gradually changerh the foul into the likene1s oLGod ; and the more it is in exercife, the more is ili~~w~e~a~. . . · To . la~ou(after . conformity unto God byQUt}V:!trd f'\frions only is to make an Image of the living, God, hewed out of the frock ofa dead Tree. It is from this vital Principle ofLove that we are not forced into it as by engines, but naturally grow up into the Likenefs and Image of God. For when it i du.ely affefred with the Excellencies of God in Cbrifi, it :fills the mind with thoughts and contemplations on them, and excites all the Affefrions unto a Delight in them. And where the foul afrs it felf confiantly in the Minds Con– templation, and the Delight of the Affefrions, it ,will produce .A.ffim11lation unto the Objefr of them. To lov.e God is the only way and means-to be like unto Him. 3· It is a Love of complacency, and therein of Bene-volence. Upon·dl:!t view which we have by fpir 'ttual Light and Faith , of the Piv-ine .(joodnefs, exerting it felf in the way before defcribed, our fouls do approve of all that is in God, ap- . plaudit, adore it, and acguiefce in it. Hence two great Du– ties do arif~, and hereon do they depend. Firfi; J~y_(ul A/ criptions ot Glory apd Honour unto God. All Praife and ~hankfgiveing?, ~}1 Bleiling,. aU Ailignati~n of Glory unto h1m, becaufe ot h~sexcellene1es and perfethons, do arife from our