Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

t 90 The Nature, Operations and Caufes of1Ji1Jine Lo1Je, our fatisfacrory complacence in them. The Rig,hteou/rejoyce , in the Lord, andg,ive thanks at the Remembrance of his Holi– ne Js, Pfa!. 97. 12. They are fo pleafed and fatisfied at the RemembraEce ofGods Holinefs, that it fills their Hearts with }try~ and caufeth them to break forth in praifes. Praife is nothing but an outward exprefiion ofthe inward Complacen– ·cy of our hearts in the Divine PerfeCtions and their Operati– ons. And Secondly; Love herein atts it felf by Bene·volence, or the confiant Inclination of the Mind unto all things, where– in the Glory of God is concerned. It wills all the things wherein the Name of God may be SanCtified, -his praifes made glorious, and his Will done in Earth as it is in Heaverr. As God faies of his own Love unto us, that he rejoyceth in it with jing,ing,,and rejleth in it, Zeph. 3-IJ. as having the grea– tefr Complacency in it,rejoycing over us with his whole heart and his whole foul, Jerem. ~2. fi. So according unto our meafure, do we by Love reil: in the glorious Excellencies of God,rejoycing in them,with our whole hearts and our whole Souls. 4· This Divine Love is a Love of Friendjhip. The com– munion which we have with God therein, is fo intimate and accompanied with fuch fpiritual Boldnefs as gives it that de- ,nomination. So Abrahamwas called the Friend ofGod, lfo. 47. 8. Jam. 2. 2 3. And becaufe of that mutual trufr which is between friends, the ftcret of the Lordis with them that fear him, and he willJhew them his Covenant, Pfal. 25. I4· For as our Saviour teacheth us, Servants, that ·is, thofe who a:re fo, and no more, know not what their .Lord doth; He•rules them, tommands them, or requires Obedience from them~ , But as un:to his Secret, his _Dejig,n and Purpofe, his Counfel and Love, they know nothing of it. But faith he unto his Dif. ciples, I have calledyou Friends, {Qr all things that 1 have heard ofmy Fatl'er, I ha'Ve made .fnown untoyou, Joh. I 5· I 5· ' ' fie