Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

192 TbeNature, Operations and Caufes ofDilJine Lo1Je,' Thefe things have I briefly premifed conc;erning the Na– ture of'D i7.Jine Love, that we may the better apprehend what we underfl:and by it, _in the Appli~ation of it unto the Perfon of Chriil:. For, I. The Formal O!Jje[f of this Love, is the Fffintial Pro– perties ofthe Di-vine Nature, its infinite Goodnets in particu- - lar. Wherever thefe are, there is the ObjeCl and Reafon' of tnis Love. But th_ey are all of them in the Perfon ofthe Son, no lefs than in the Pe\fon of the Father. As therefore we love the Father on this account, fo are we to love the Son alfo. But 2. The Perfon ofChrifl is to be contidered as he was in– carnate or cloathed with our Nature. And this takes nothing offfrom the formal Reafcnof this Love, but only makes an Addition unto the Motives of it. This indeed for a feafon vailed the Lovelinefs of his Divine Excellencies,and fo _turned afide the eyes ·ofmany fi·om him. For when he took on _him · theform ofa Servant, andmade himfelf of no Reputation, he had unto them \yholooked' on him with carnal eyes, neither form ncr comlinefs that he ihould be detired or beloved. How.. beit the entire Perfon of Chrift God and Man, is the Ob– ject of this Divine Love, in all the aClsof the whole exer– cife of it. That ftngle effecrofinfinite Wifdom and Grace in the Union of the Divin~and Humane Natures, in the One Perfon of the Son of God, renders him the Objefr of this Love in a peculiar manner. The way whereby we may at– tain this peculiar Love and the Motives unto it~ iliall clofe thefe confiderations. A due confideration of, and meditation on the Propofal of the Perfon of Chriil: unto us in the Scripture, are the proper Foundation of tbis Love. This is the formal Reafon of our Faith in him, and Love unto him. He is fo propofed unto us in the Scripture that \Ve may !Jelie·ve in him 1 and love bim, and