\ ao~ it refp"eCfs tl)e Perfon of [J,rifl. I 93 and for that very end. And in particular with· refpe~ unto our Lo,.ve, to ingenerate it in us, and to excite it unto 1ts. du_e exercife, are thote excellencies of his Perfon as the pnnc1 4 · pal Effect of Divine Wifdom and Goodnefs, which we ha~e before infifl:ed on, frequently propofed unto us. To ti:1s end is he reprefented as altogether Lovef:J', and the ef1:ec~al Glories of his Perfon are dilineated, yea drawn to the Life m the Holy Records of the Old and New Tefiaments. It r1s no work ofFancy or Imagination; it is not the feigning I~nages in .our Minds of fuch things as are meet to fatisfy our carnal Affecrio11s, to excite and act them ; but it is a due adherence tmto th~t Object which is reprefented unto Faith in the Propofil of the Gofpel. Therein as in a Glafs do we be 4 hold the ·Glory of Chrifi who is the Image of the irwiftble God, and have our fouls filled with transforming Affections . unto him. ; The whole Book of Canticles is nothing but a Myfiical . Declaration of the mutual Love between Chrifi and the Church. And it is expreifed by all fuch waies and meanes as may reprefent it Intenfe, Fervent, and Exceding all o– ther Love whatever, which none I fuppofe will deny, at leafi on the part of Chri£1:. And a great part of it confifis in fuchDefcriptions ofthe ferfon ofChrifland his Love, as may render him amiableand def1reable unto our fouls, evenaltoge 4 ther lovely. To what &:' nd, cloth the Holy Spirit fo g,raphi · cal!J defcribe and reprefent unto us the beauty and deftrable 4 nefs ofhis Perfon, if it be not to ingenerate Love in us unto him. All want ofLove unto him on this propofal, is the effect of prevalent unbelief It is pretended that the De 4 fcriptions given ofChrifi in this Book, are Allegorical, from whence nothing can be gathered or concluded. But God ' forbid we f110uld fo r.~flect oh the Wifdom and Love of the Holy Spirit unto the Church, that he hath propofed unto Cc tf.e