J 194 71:eNature; Operaiionsan<l Caufes ofDi1Jine Lo1Je-, the Faith of the Clnirch an empt;•found and noife of words wit!1out mind or fenfe. 1he expreilions he ufeth are figu– rati-ve, and the whole nature of the Difcourfe as unto its out– ward firucrufe is Allegorical. But the things intended are real and fubfiantial, and the Metaphors ufed m the expre11ion ofthem are fuited in a due Attendance unto the Analogy of Faith, to convey a fpiritual underfianding and fenfe of the things themfelves propofed in them. The Church of God will not part \vith the unfpeakable advantage and confola-' tion, thofe fuprJorts of Faith, and incentives ofLove, whid~ it receives by that divine propofal of the Perfon of Chrifi, and his Love which is made therein, becaufe fome men have no experience of them, nor underfl:anding in them. The Fa,ith and Love of Believers is not to be regulated by the ignorance and boldnefs of them who have neither the one nor the other. The Title of the forty fifth Pfalm is, ·li~i'i' i'~~ A Song of Loves; that is, of the mutual Love ofChrifl: and the Church. And unto this end that our fouls may be fiirred up unto the mofi ardent AffeCtions towards him, is a Defcription given us of his Perfon, as altogether · · lovely; To what other end is he fo evidently dilineated in the whole Harmony of his Divine Beauties by the Pencil of the Holy Spirit ? ~ Not to infif!: on particular Tefiimonies, it is evident un- .• to all whofe ey.es are opened to difcern thefe things, that ther~ is no Property of ·rhe Divine Nature which is pecu.. liady amiable, iuch as a.re Goodnejs, Grace, Love and Bounf.J', with infinite Power and Holinefs, but it is reprefepted and prop.ofed unto us in the Perfon of the Son of God, to this end, that we f~11ould love him above all, and cleave unto him. Th€re is nothing in the I-luma·ne Nature,. in that fulnefs of Grace and Truth which dwelt therein, in that inhabitation 0f the·Spirit which was in him ·without ·meafure, in any ·. ·~ thing ,