. as it rejpeEls the Perfon ofCl)r~fl. 195 thing of thofe all tlJtngs wherein he hath the pre!Jeminencf, nothing in his Love, Cond~fcenfion, Grace a~d Mercy,. no– th~ng.in the w:wk .that he fulfilled, wha~ Jl.e dtd and fuffe:e.d. therem; nothmg m the Benefits W(l;; tec~ve thereby; nothmg in the Power and Glory that he is· exafted unto at the Right hand of God, but it is fet forth in the Scripture and propo-' fed unto us,. that believing in him we ma~ love bim with aU our hearts and fouls. And befides all this, that fingubr, that infinite Eflefr of Divine Vlifdom, whereunto there is nothing like in all the works of God, and wherewith none of them may ,be compared, namely, the conflituti on of his Perfon by the Vnion of his Natures therein, whereby he be– comes unto us the Image of the Invifible God, and wherein all the bleffed Excellencies of his diftinfr Natures are made moft illuftrioufiy confpicuous, in becoming .one entire Prin- ' ciple of all his Mediatory Operations on our behalf, is pro– pofed unto us as the compleat-Objefr of our Faith and Love. This is that Perfon, whofe Lovelinefs and Beauty all the Angels of God, all the holy Ones above do eternally admire and adore. In him are the Infinite Treafures of Divine WiG dom and Goodnefs continually reprefented unto them. This is he, who is rhe Joy, the Delight, the Love, th:e Glory of the Church below. thou whom our fouls do love, is the Title whereby they know him and converfe with him, Cant. I. 7· chap. 3· 1,4. This is he who is the Defire of all Nations, the Beloved of God and Men. The mutual entercourfe on this ground of Love between Chrift and the Church, is the life and foul of the whole Creation; for on-t4e account hereof all things confifr in him. ~ There is more. ~lory ~mder the Eye of God, in the fighs, groans and mourn~ngs ot poor fouls filled with the Love of chrift, after the enjoyment of him according to his Promi– fes, in their fervent Prayers for his manifefration of himfelf Cc 2 unto