1 96 The Nature,Operations andCaufes of 'Divine LoY-e, ~.nto them, in the refrefl1ments agd unfpeakable joys which -t9ey have in his gracious vifits and embraces of his Love than in the Thrones and Diadems of all the Monarchs on th~ Earth. Nor will they themfelves part with the ineffable fa– tisfafrions which they have in thefe things, for all that this world can do for them, or unto them. Mal/em foere cum Chriflo, quam reg,nare cum Ctefare, Thefe things have not only rendred Prifons and Dungeons more · defireable unto– them than the mofi goo~ly Pallaces on future accounts ; but have made them really pl~ces of fuchRefrejhment and Joys,. as men ihall feek in vain to extraCt out of all the comforts. that this world can afford. 0 Cur·vte in terris animte & ca:leflittm inanes-. Many there are who not comprehending, not being af– fected with that Divine Spiritual Defcription of the Perfon ofChrifi which is given us by the Holy Ghofi in the Scrip· ture, do feign unto themfelves (alft Reprefentations of him by Images and PiClures, [o to excite canaal and corrupt af- . fecrions in their minds. .By the help of their outward fenfes,. they refleB: on their imaginations the iliape of an humane body, caft into pofiures and circumil:ances dolorous.or tri– umphant, and fo by the working of their fancy raife a Com– motion of mind in themfelves, which they fuppofe to be. Love unto Chrifr. But all thefe Idols a-re Teachers of Lyes.. The true Beauty and Amiablenefs of the Perfon of Chrift, which is the formal obje& aad caufe ofTi·vine Love, is. fo, far from being reprefented herein, as that the mind is there– by wholly diYerted from the contemplation of it. For no 1nore can be fo pith1red unto us, but what may belong unto, a mcer man, and what is arbitrarily referred unto Chrifi,. not.by Faith, but by corrupt imagination. The