a5 it l'ejpe[ls the Perjonof C!Jrifl. I~7 The Beauty of the Peifon ofChrifl as reprefented in the Scripture, confifis in things invifible unto the eyes of flefh. They are fuch as no hand of man can repref~nt o~ ih~do~. It is the Eye of Faith alone .that can fee th1s Kmg tn hts Beauty. What elfe can contemplate on the uncreatedGlorys of his Divine Nature? can the hand of man reprefent ·the Union of his Natures in the fc1me Perfon, wherein he is pe– culiarly amiable? What Eye can difcern the mutuai C~mmunications of the Properties ofhis different Natures m the fame Perfon which -depends thereon, whence it is that God laid down his life for us, andpurchafed his Church wit/; h~s own 6/ood? In thefe things, 0 vain man, _cloth the Lovelt– nefs of the Perfon of Chrifi unto the fouls of Believers con- . 1ifi, and not in thofe firokes ofArt whi~h fancy hath guided a skilful hand and pencil unto. And what Eye of fleih can difcern the Inha6itatio,"! ofthe Spirit in all fulnefs in the Hu– mane Nature? Can J1is Condefcenfion, his Love,his Grace, his Power, his Compaffion, his Offices, his Fitnefs and Abi– lity to fave !inners, be deciphered on a Tablet, br engraven on \Vood or Stone.~ However fuchPicrurcs may be adorned, however beautified and enriched, they are not that Chrifl which the foul of the Spoufe cloth love ; they are not any means of reprefenting his Love unto us, .or of conveying our Love. unto him ; they only divert the minds of fuperfi1tious perfons from the Son of God, unto the embraces of a c:oud, compf'fed offaricy and imagination. Others there are who abhor thefe Ic!o!s, and when they have (o done commit Sacriledge_ As they rejeer Images, fo they feem to do all Love unto the Perfon of ChritT, d1frinB:: from other Acts of Obedience, as a fond Imagination. But ~he moil: fuperfiitious Love unto Chri!1, that is, Love acted m wa;:s tainted with fuperfrition, is better than none at all.· But With what .Eyes do fuch perfons read the Scriptures ?· with