198 T/,e 'Nature,Operations and Caufej· ofDivine Lo1Je, with ~ha~ hear.ts do. the~ confider them ? .what do they, conceive 1s the mtentwn ot the Holy Ghoil: m all thofe De~ .fcrzptions which he gives us of the Perfon of Chrifl: as ami- , able and de!irable above all things, making therewithal a propo£1t of him unto our Affefrions, inciting U5- --to receive him by Faith, and to cleave Lmtohirn in LoverYea to what end is our Nature endued with this Affection ? unto what end is the Power of it renewed in us by the fc'1ncrification , of the Holy Spirit? if it may not be fixed on this mofr pro· per and excellent Objefr of it? · · This is the Foundation of our Love unto ~hri!l, namely, the Revelation and Propo[al-of _him unto us h; the Scripture as altogether lovely. The Difcovery that is made therein of the glorious Excellencies and Endowments of his Perfon, of his Love, _his Goodnefs and Grace, of his worth and work, is that·which engageth the Ajfe[/iom of Believers unto him~ It may be faid, that if there be fuch a Propofot of himmade unto all promifcuouf1y, then all would equ~Ily difcern his amiablenefs, and be affected with it, who affent equally unto the Truth of that Revelation. But it hath alwaies fallen out otherwi[e. ln the daies of his fleih, fome that looked on him could fee rieither form nor come!inefs in him wherefore he fhould be deftred? Others faw his Glory, the Glory of the only begott~n ~(the Father,full ofGrace and Truth. To fome · . he is precious, unto others he is .difallowed and reje!led; a frone which the Builders refufed, when others .brought it forth crying, G'ra,ce, Grace unto it, as the head of the corner, Some can iee nothing but weaknefs in him; tmto others the Wifdom and Power of God do evidently fhine tqrth in him:. Wherefore it mufl: be faid, that notwithfranding that open plain ReP.refentation th~t js made of him in tihe Scripture, unlefs the Holy Spirit gives us Eyes to difcern it, and cir– cumcife our hearts, by the cutting off corrupt prejudices, - - aqd