d-5 it rcfpeRs tl.1ePerfon ~fC!Jrift. J 99 and all effeCts of unbelief, implanting in them by the efficacy of his Grace this bleffed AffeCtion of Love unto him, all thefe things will make no impreilion on our n:inds. As it was with the people on thegiving, of the Law; not- ' withfianding all the great and mighty works which God had wrought among them, yet having not given them a heart to-perceive, and 0 ·es to fee, and ears to !Jear, which he affirms that he had not done, 'Eeut. 29. 4, they were not moved unto Faith or Obedience by them. So is it in the Preaching of the Gofpel. Notwithftanding all the bleffed Revelation that is made of the Excellencies of the Perfon of Chrifi therein, yet thofe into whofe hearts God cloth not ihine to give the knowledge of his Glory in his face, can dif– cern nothing of it,. nor are their hearts affeCted with it. 'We do not therefore in thefe things follow cunningly de- . 7Jifedfal/les: \Ve do not indulge unto our own fancies and imaginations; they are not unaccountable raptures or extajies which are pretended unto; nor fuch an artificial concatena– tion of thoughts, as forne ignorant of thefe things do boaft that they can give an account of : Our Love to Ct1rifi arifeth ·alone from the Revelation that is made of him in the Scrip· ture, is ingenerated, regulated, meafured, and is to be judged thereby. CHAP.