200 cHAP. XIV. •); --~ .• - · - _ ,. · -',! ]vfoti.-ves unto the Love ofC!Jrifl~ ... ·rHE M_otives unto this ~oye ofChriil, is the_lai1 thing · . on tlus Head of our Relzgzouo Refpetl unfo1iun, that I fllall fpeak unto. · ··' !.':;~-~< .,. , .. -:·· When God required of the Church the' fitfi .a.nd highefl: Afr of Religion,. the fole Foundation of all others, namely, to take him as their G(}d, to own, believe and trufi in him alone as fuch, which is wholly due unto him for what he is, without any other confi.deration whatever; yet 'he thought meet to ·add a Mo~ive unto the perfor~al}<:_e of that Duty from what he had done for them, Exod. 10. r, 2. The fenfe of the firfl: Comm~nd is, that we il~ould take him alo?e for ·our Go\!; for he Is fo, and there ts no oth~r... ::J3ut m the prefcription of this Duty unto the Church, ·he 'm.fnds them ·of the Benefits which they -had received from him, in bring– ing them out of the houfl .of bondage. God in his Wifdom and Grace ordereth all the Caufes and Reafons of our Duty, fo as that all the rational P.OWers and faculties of our fouls may be exercifed therein. Wherefore he cloth not only propofe himfelfunto us, nods G~rifl: meer– ly propofed···l,mto us as th~ proper Object of o'ur AffeCtions, but he calls us'·a!fo unto die confideration ofall thofe things that may fatfsfie onr-·fi:mls that it is the mofl: jufi,neceifary, reafonable and advantagious sourfe for us fo to fix our ·AffeCtions on him. ' And tl\efe Confi.derations are taken from all that he did for us, with the Reafons and Grounds why he did it. We love him principally and ultimate!J for what he is; but nextly and