Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

.'.Afoti'Ves unto tJ,e Lo1Je of ClJrift. r '-01 and imm~diately for what he die!. What he did for us, is firil: propofed unto us, and it is that which our fouls are firft affeCted withal. For .they are originally afred in all things byafenfe ofthe Tf'ant which they have, and a defireof the B l~ffeclnefs which they have not. This direfrs then: unto what he hath done for !inners. But that leads Imme– diately unto the confideration. of \Yhat he is in himfel[ 'And when our Love is fixed on him, or his Perfon, then all thofe things wherewith from a fenfe of our own wants and d.efires we were firfi affCCl:ed, become Motives unto the con– firming and encreafing of that Love. This is the confiant method of the Scripture; it firfl: propofeth unto us what the Lord Chriil: hath done for us, efpecially in the difcharge of his Sacerdotal Office, in his Oblation and lnterceffio,n , with the Benefits which we receive thereby. Hereby it leads us unto his Perfon, and preffeth the confideration of all other things to ingage our Love unto him. See Phi!. 2. ) , 6, 7, 8, 9, I 0. W~th chap. 3· 8, 9, I o, I I. Motives unto the Love of Chriil: are fo great, fo many, fo diffufed through the whole Difpenfation of God in him unto us, as that they can by no hand be fully expreffed, let it l:::e allowed never fo much to inlarge in the Declaration of them; much lefs ~an they be reprefented in that ihort Dif– courfe whereof but a very fmall part is allotted unto their confideration, fuch as ours is at prefent. The fiudying, the collection of them, or fo many of them as we are able, the meditation on them, and improvement of them, is among the principal Duties of our whole lives. What I fhall offer is the reduction of them unto thefe two heads: ( 1.) The Atls ofChrifl, whicq is the fubfiance of them: And (2.) The , Spring and Fountain of thofe AB:s which i> the Lite of them. I. In general they are all the ACts of his Mediatory Office, .Dd , with