Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

2·0 z Motives unto tl)e Lo1Je ofCl)rifl. - with all ·the fruits of them whereof we are made partakers. There is not any thing that he didor doth in the difcharge of his Mediatory Ofhce, from the firfi fufception of it in , his Incarnation in the womb of the Bleffed Virgin, unto his prefent Interceilion in Heaven; but is an effeCtual Motive un– to theLoveofhim, and as fuch is propofed unto us in the Scripture. Whatever he did or cloth with or towards us in the Name of God, as the King and Prophet of the Church, whatever he did or cloth with God for us as our High Prieft, · it all fpeaks tbis language in the hearts of them that believe; 0 love the Lord JefUJ in jincerity. The confideration of what Chrifi thus did and cloth for us, is infeparable from that of the Benefits which we rec~ive 1 thereby. A due mixture of both thefe, ofwhat he did for us, and what we obtain thereby, ,comprizeth the fubfl:ance of thefe Motives. Tflho loved me, and gave himJelf for me. Who icved us, and wajhed us in his own blood, and made us Kings and Priefls unto God. For thou n·ajl ]lain, and haft /?ought us unto Gael with th_J blood. And both thefe are of a tranfcendant nature, requiring our L0ve to be fo alfo. Who is able to comprehend the Glory of the Mediatory Afrings of · the Son of God, .in the Af1umption of our Nature, in what he did and fuflered therein? And for us, Eye hath rmt feen, nor Ear heard, nor can it enter ·into the Heart.ofman,to <::onceive, what we receive thereby. The 'leafi benefit, arid that ob– tained by the leafi expence of trouble or charge, deferveth Love,and leaveth the brand of a crime, where it is not fo en– tertained. V/hat then do the greatefi deferve, and thofe pro– cured by the greatefl: expence; even the price ofthe blood of v the Son ofGod. ·· Ifwe have .any Faith concerning thefe things, it will pro– duce l o'Ue, as that Love will ot edience. ·whatever we pro– fefs concerning them, it fpringsfrom iraditio~_and Opinion, and