Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

Motives unto the Love of Chrift. 2 o 3' and not from Faith, if it ingage ~ot O\lr fouls i?to the Lo_ve ofhim. The frame ofheart wh1ch entues on tne real Farth of thefe thing?, is expreffed, Pfal 103. '1, 2; 3, 4, 5· Ble[s the Lore!, 0 myfoul, and all th1t is withi1z me, blefs his holy name. Blefs the Lord, 0 my foul, aruf. forget not all his benefits. Whn forg,iveth all thine iniquities, ancl healeth all thy difeafts. Who redeemeth thy life from cleflruflion; who crowneth thee with loving, kindnejs and tender. mer– cies, who Jatisfieth thy mouth ~vith good things; fo that 'thy ; •outh is renewed like the Eagles. Let men pretend what they will, there needs no greater, no other evidence, to prove that any one cloth not really believe the things that are re– ported in the Gofpel concerning the Mediatory ACtings of Chrifr, or that he hath no experience .-in his own foul and confcience of the Fruits and EffeCts of them, than this, that his heart is not ingaged by them unto the mofi: ardent Love towards his Perfon. , He is no Chrifiianwho lives not much in the meditation of the Mediation ofChrift,and the efpecial Afrs of it.Some may _more abound in that work then others, as it is fixed,. formed and regular. Some may be more able than others to difpofe their thoughts concerning them, into Method and Order: Some may be more diligent than others in the obfervation of times for the folemn Performance of this Duty. Some may be able to .rife to higher and clearer apprehenfions of them than others. But as for thofe, the bent of whofe minds doth not lye towards thoughts of them, whofe hearts are not on all Occafions retreating unto the Remembranee of them who embrace not all.opportunities to call them over as they are ab e ; on what grounds can they be efieemedChrijfians ? How do they live by t11e·Faith of the Son of God? ar,e the g,rea t things of the Gofpel, of the Mediation of Chrifi, propo- · fed-unto us, as thofe which we may think of when we have · D d 2 nothing ' I • A .\