204 Moti1Jes unto the LolJe of C1Jr,ift. riothing elfe to do, that we may meditate upon,or neglect: at our pleafure, as thofe wherein our concernment is fo fmall . as that they mufl:give place unto all other occafions or diver~ fions whatever ? Nay ! if our minds are not filled with thefe things; if Chrifi doth not dwell plentifully in our hearts b_y Faith; if our fouls are not po!feffed with them, and in their whole inward frame and confiitution fo cafi into this mould, as to be lead by a natural complacency unto a converfe with them, we are firangers untotheLifeofFaith. Andifweare thus converfant about thefe things, they will ingage our Hearts into theLo·ve of the Perfon ofChr ifl. To fuppofe the contrary, is indeed to deny the Truth and reality of them all, and to turn the Gofpel into aFable. Take one Infiance from among the refi; namely, his Death. ·Hath he the heart of a Chrifiian, who cloth not often medi– tate on the Death ofhis Saviour, who dothnot'derive his life from it? }Vho can look into the Gofpel and not fix on thofe lines which either immediately and diretl:ly, or th~oughfome other-paths ofDivine 6race and \Vifdom, do lead him there– unto? And can any have believing thoughts concerning the Death of Chrifi, and not have his heart affetl:ed with ardent Love unto his Perfon? Chrift in the Gofpel is e·vident!J flt f orfh, crucified before us. Can any by the eye of Faith look on this bleedingdyingRedeemer, and fuppofe Love unto his Perfon to be nothing but the work of Fancy or Imagination ? They know the contrary, who alwaies bear about in.the body, the dying of the LordJefus; as the Apofl:les fpeaks, 2 Cor. + ro. As his whole name, in all that he did, is an Ointment pouredforth, for which the Virgins love him, Cant. r . 3. So this precious perfumeof his Death, is that where– witl".t their heart~ are ravifhed in a peculiar manner. Again; As there can be no Faith in Chrifi, where there is noL oveunto him, on the account of his Mediatory Afrs; fo where