Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

lvfotives unto the Love of C!Jrift. l o5 where it is not, the want of jt cail:eth Perfons under the higheil: guilt ofIngratitude that our nature is liable. unto. Th~ higheil: Aggravation of the fin of Angels, was the1r l~g,ratt· tude unto their Maker. For whereas by his meer W1ll an? Pleafure they were il:atedin the highell: Excellency, ·Preh~m1- - nence and -Dignity, that he thought good to commumcate unto any Creatures, or it may be, that any meer created Nature is capable of in it felf ; they were unthankful for · what they had fo received from undeferved goodnefs and bounty, and fo cafl: themfelves into everlafiing ruine . . But yet the fins of men in their Ingratitude towards Chnfr on the · acco.unt of what he hath done for them, is attended with an Aggravation above that of the Angels. For al· though the Angels were originally infl:ated in that condi - }ion of Dignity which in this world we cannot attain. un– to, yet were they not redeemed and recovered from m1fery as we are. ' In all the croud of evil and wicked men, that the world is pefl:red .withal, there are none by common confent fo fiig– matized for unworthy villany, as thofe who are }ig,nally un– grateful, tor fingular benefits. If peffons are unthankful un– to them, if they have notthe highefi Love for them, who re· deem them tr.om Ignominy and Death, and enfiate them in a plentiful Inheritance (if any fuch infiances may be given) and that with the greatefi expence ofLabour and Charge; man · kind without any regret, cloth tacitly condemn tliem unto greater miferies than thofe \Vhich they were delivered fro~ . What then will be the condition of them, whofe hearts are not fo affected with the Mediation ofChrifl:, and the fruits of rit, las to ingage thebefl:, the choicdl: of their Affetbons unto him? The Golpelit felf will be a fervour ofDea[JJ unto fuch ungrateful wretches. 2. That which the Scripture princi~ally infifieth on as . the