Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

Moti-ves unto the Lo-ve ofC/;rifl. the Moti-ves of our Love unto Chri£1:, is his· Love unto u,s which was the Principle of all his :Mediatory Achngs in ou; behal£ ' Love is that Jewel of Humane Nature which commands a valuation wherever it is found. Let other circumfrances be what they will, whatever difrances between perfons mav be made by them, yet real Love where it is evidenced fo t~ be, is not defpifed by any but fuch as degenerate into pro– fligate Brutality. If it be fo fiated as that it can produce no _ outward .effects advantagious unto them that are beloved, yet it commands a refpecJ as it were whether we will or no, and fome return in its ovvn kind. Efpecially it cloth fo if it be altogether undejerverl, and fo evidenceth it felf to pro– ceed from a goodnefs of Nature, and an inclination unto the good of them on whom it is ~xed~ For whereas the eifen– nal Nature of Love contiil:eth in willing good unto them that are beloved; w[lere the Act of the Will is real, fincere and confl:antly exercifed, without any defect of it on our part; no refrraints can poffibly be put upo_n our minds from going out in fome A[fJ ofLove again upon its account, unlefs aJl their faculties are utterly depraved, by habits of brutifh and filthy luil:s. But when this Love which is thus undeferved, cloth alfo abound in effects troublefome and chargeable in them in Whom it is, and highly !Jenefo ~al unto them on whom it is placed, if there be any fuch AffeCtion left in the Nature of any man, it will prevail unto a reciprocal Love. And all thefe things are found in the Love of Chrifl: unto that degree and height, as nothing parellel unto it can be found in the whole Creation. i fhall briefly fpeak ofit under two general Heads. . 1. The: ole Spring ofall the Mediatory Actings of Chrifr 1 / both in the fufception of our Nature, and in all that he did and fuffered therein, was his own meer Love and Grace working