Moti1Jes unto the L61Je o{Chrift. 20 7. working by pitty and compaffion. It is true, he undertook this work ·principally with r<i!fpefr umo the Glory ofGod, and out ofLove unto him. But with refpeCl: unto us, his . only Motive unto it was his abundant overflowing Love. And this is efpecially remembred unto us in that Infranc~ wherein it carried him through the greatefl: difficulties, namely, in his Death and the Oblation of himfelf on our behalf, Gal. 2. 20. Ephef )· 2, 2), 26. 1 Joh. 3· 16. Revel. 1. 5, 6. This alone endined the Son ofGod to undertake the glorious work of our Redemption, and which carried him · through the peath andDread which he underwent in the accomplifhment ofjt. · 'Should I engage into the confideration of this Love of Chrift, which was the great means oftheconveying all the effeCts ofDivine Wifdom and Grace unto tb.e Church; that glafs which God chofe to reprefent himfelf and all his good– nefs in unto Believers; that Spirit of life in the wheelof all the motions of the Perfon of Chrifl: in the Redemption of the Church unto the eternal Glory of God, his own and that of his redeemed alfo ; that mirrour wherein the holy Angds ·and bleffed Saints ihall for ever contemplate the Divine Ex– cellencies in their fuitable Operations; I mufr now begina 'Difcourfe much larger than that which I havepaffedthrough. But it is not fuited unto my prefent deftgn fo to do. Nor confidering the growing Apprchenfions of many about the Perfon of Chrifl:, which are utterly defirutl:ive ofthe whole nature of that Lo·ve which we afcribe unto him, do I know how foon a more difrinfr explication and defence of it may be called for. And this Caufe will not be forfaken. They know nothing of the Life and Power of the.Gofpel, nothing of the.reality. of the Grace of God, nor do tl·ey be– lieve aright one Article of the Chrifiian Faith, whofe hearts are not fenfible of the Love of Chrifl herein. Nor is he fenfible