The Preface. Hereby God communicates all things unto us from his own glorious Fulnefs, the near approaches whereof we are not able to bear. So is it illufi:rated by Bufebius, 1Je– monft. Brvang. lib. 4· cap. 5, &c. ~'TW QcpwTos n?cf<f, p.!~ iJ JJ.~Ttl a ' , "' ' ~~ ' • ' - ~'r ' ,, 'r ' IJfO(JpOi\11, 0 1 U..'d '>fj ~ 'D CWTO 'Y$-'Tr:I.JJ<M;,ti fJ-~V _a.czeg,, ipWT8"-:;et' j Qcp~"Ap.~s, dcpnv 6!vt-t, '7Ilxfvt-t 6 ~v, xJ1~t-t 6 cp.~rrrx:, x. /\., ---d ""'* et ' ~ C__.f. I a.., \ ,. f c.__ .) ' e \ I ")''dJI ws <v 'I:MJFJ<VHTt-t AO')!'d, xcx.,.; t-t5 ae_p.vof\FCV W.JT05 ecx.uTOJI '7lttfLipU'nS <J fi':::, \ ' e I •n I "' I ' t\! .-SRC' n I -~ N 'nAI~ 01iJI ctV fW7ITil5 0?11 yt.5 !"ZTJAtiT€UOVro, 11o~V~ ·•~ 0?11 T ')117~ p.~Vct5 rlv dJ'Jdcpa:e_9v 'lrdv'TWV <roM.n~JI ep...JJ~v ~fL~, ~ ct'¥~vd6e;t£X. rW'.t riJ ipOT~S- 7fe_9(J(20A" 8-J~X.ip::J-rxpn<ropAVWI'. rfhe fenfe Of Which \V.ords with fon1e that follow in the fame place is unto this pnrpofe. By the beams of the Sun, Light, and Life, \ and Heat, unto the procreation, fufrentation, refrefh1 ment and cherifhing of all things are co1nmunicated. ~ut if the Sun it felf fhould come down unto the Earth, nothing could bear its heat and lufhe ; our eyes would not be enlightened, but darkened by its glory, and all , things be f\:vallowed J.:ip and confumed by its greatnefs; whereas through rh,~ beams of it every thing is en_lightened and kindly r~frefi1ed. So is it \Vith this eternal beam or brightnef\ ofthe Fathers Glory. We cannot bear the · im1nedia te approach of the Divine Being, but through hitn as incarnate are all things conununicated unto us, in a \vay fuited unto our reception and corn- . prehenfion. - So is it admired by Leo, Serm. 3. de Nati~it. Natura. Humana in Creatoris Jccietltfem aj]i-tmpta eft, non ut ille Ha::. bitator, &-- itle ejjet habitaculum; fed ut natur.e alterte fie mijce::;