Hypojlatical Union of his Natures declared. 297 fubjlance or nature into flefl1, which implies a contradiction, and befides is abfolutely deil:ruchve of the Divine Nature. He could no otherwife therefore be made flefh, or made of a Tf'oman, but in that our Nature was made his; by his affu· mingofitto he his own. The fame Perfon who before was not flefl1, was not man, was made f1efh as man, in that he took our Humane Nature to be his own. This ineffable aff, is the Foundation of the Divine Relation between the Son of God, and the man Chrifr Jefus. We can only adore the Myil:erious Nature of it; great is this M_y!lery ofGodlinefs. Yet may we obferve fundry things to direfr us in that Duty. . · 1. As unto Original Efficienry,it was the Act of the Divine Narure, and fo confequently of the Father, Son and Spirit. For fo are all outward Acts of God, the 'lJivine Nature be- . ' ing the immediate Principle of all fuch operations. The Wifdom, Power, Grace and Goodnefs exerted therein are ej~ Jential Propertie~ of the Divine Nature. Wherefore the.afr– ing of them originally belongs equally unto each Perfon equaJly participant of that Nature. (2.) As unto Authorita– .tive Defignation, it was theAfr of the Father. Hence is he faid to fend his Son in the likenefs of.finful flefh, Rom 8. ~· Gal. 4· 4· (3.) As unto the formation of tl;e Humane Nature, it was the peculiar Aff of thf1 Spirit, Lukt 1. 35· (+)As un– to the Term of the A.!fumption, or the taking of our Nature unto himfelf, it was the peculiar A Cl of the Perfon of the Son. Herein as Damafcen obferves, the other perfons had no con– currence, but only ,...:::; {3a11J10JV iJ evd'bxla..v, by Counfel and Approbation. 2. This A./fkmption was the only immediate Ac1 of the Di– vine Nature on\he Humane in the Perfon of the Son. All thofe that follow in fu/:;fiflence, fuflentation, with. all others that are communicative, do enfue thereon. Q3 ~·This