Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

'• - 3c3o T!Je Nature of~]Je Perfon of Chrifl, a~d t!Jt ~·This 4ffumption and the Hypoflatical Vnion are 'difiinfr and different in the formal Reafon of them. Aj[umption is the immediate AEI of the Divine Nature in the Perfon of the Son on ·the Humane; Vnion is mecliate by vertue of that Affumption. (2) Aj[umption is unto Perfonality; it is that ' Acr whereby the Son of God and our Nature becarp.e one Perfon. Vnion is an Acr or Relation of the Natures fubfifi:- , ing in that one Perfon. ( ~· ) · Af{umption refpeCl:s the afiing ofthe Divine, and the pajfion of the Humane Nature, the one a_f{umeth, the other is a.ffumed. Union refpects the mutual Relation of ~>the Natures unto each other. Hence the Di– vine Nature may ·be faid to be united UntO the Humane, as . well as the Humane unto the Divine:; but the Divine Nature· cannot be faid to be a.ffumed, as the Humane is. Wherefore ·4ffumption denotes the aEii1tg of the one N~ture, and ·the paf!ion of the other, ..Vnion the mutua.! Relation that is be– tween them both. · Thefe things may be fafely ,affirmed, and .ought to be firmly believed. as the fenfe of the Holy Ghoil: in thofe ex.. preffions; ·He took on him the feed of A!Jraham ; he took on· him the form of a fervant; and the like. And who can con- .. , , eeive the condefcenfton of Divine Goodnefs, or the a&ings. 0f Divine:Wifdom and Power therein'· jp 1J (i 2. !h.at which followeth .hereon is the V~ion of ~he tw.o Natures 10 the fame Perfon,. or the I-!J'Pofiattcal Vnton. This– is included and alferted in a multitude ofDivineTeil:imonies,. lfa~ 7· 14. Behold a Virgin foal! conceive and bear a Son aml _(hall call his namelmmanu~l, as Matth. 1. 2). He who wa~ eonceiveq and bornof the Virgin was lmmanuel~or God with ms; that is, God manifeil: in the flefh, by the Union of his. Natures in the fame Perfon, /fa. 9· 6. io us a Child is !Jorn, to1us a Son is gi·ven, ancl his 1Jatne jhall be called TJ!Onderfttl, Cau,nfellot1r,_the mighty God,, the everlafling_ Father,,the Prince of - ·'- '