3 02 The Nature of the Perfan ofC/;,~ijl:; and the verfation in or by the flefh, n~'lct1 dv9&J7T1Jrrl1'r@-. <p~X-vee(JJ<m, his manifeflation /;y Humanity, n ~/l.f:tJ(JlS, the Advent, n )(.~J!WUIS, the exinanition, or humiliation, n ~ Xe,t'%~ b-mcpdv!:ICC., theap, , - pearance or mamfefl:atiOJ!. of Chrifi:, n UtJ.J!1fct/m{3xuls, the COil· defcenjion. Mofl: of thefe expreffions are taken from the Scripture, and are ufed therein with refpefr unto this My– fiery, or fome concernments of it. Wherefore as our Faith is not confined unto any one of thefe words or terms, fo as that we fl10uld be obliged to believe not only the thing,s ilt– tended, but alfo the manner of its exprej/ion io, them, fo,fo far as they explain the thing intended according unto the mind of the Holy ,Ghoil: in the Scripture, and obviate the fenfes of men of corrupt minds, they are to be embraced and de– fended as ufeful helps in teaching the Truth. That whereby it is moft ufually declared in tqe Writings · of the Antients, is /.!e;.s €vaitnws, gratia unioniJ, the grace of Vnion; which form of words fome manifefl:ing themfelves firangers unto, do declare how little converfant they are in their Writings. Now it i~ not any hahitual inherent grace refidingfuhjeElively in the Perfon or Humane Nature ofChriU that is intended, but things of an·other nature. ' I, The Caufe of this Vnion is expreifed in it. This is the · free grace and favour of God towards the·man Chrill: Jefus., predefiinating, defigning, and taking him into aElual Vnion with the Perfon of the Son, without refpecr unto, or fore· fight of any precedent dignity or merit in him, 1 Pet. 1. 20. Hence is that of Auflin, Ea gratia fit a/; initio fidei Jute ho· mo q!!icunq.ue Chri/Hanw, qua·g,ratia hom() il!t ab initio faElus eft Chriftus. De Prtedeji.Sanfl. cap. 1 5· Eor whereas all the inherent grace of the Humane Nature ofChrifl:, and aJl the holy Obedience which proceeded fi·om it, was confequent · in order ofNature unto this Union, and an effecr of it:, they _ could in no fenfe be the meritorious ot procuring caufes ofit; it was of grace. ' z.. It