Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

Hypoftat ical Union -of his Natures dtclared. 3o3 2 . It is ufed alfo by many and defigned to exprefs the pe– culiar Dignity of theHumaneNature of Chriil:. This is that .wherein no creature is participant, nor ever fhall be unto eternity. This is the fundamental Priviledg of the Humane Nature of Chrifl, which all others, even unto his eternal Glo . ry, proceed from, and are refolved into. · ~ · The Glorious Meetnefs and Abilify of the Perfon of Chriil:, for and unto all the Afrs and ,Itutles of his Mediatory Office. For they are all refolved into the Vnion of his Na– tures in the fame Perfon, without which not one of them could be performed unto the Benefit ofthe Church. And this is that Grace of our Lord Jefus Chrifl, which renders him fo glorious and amiable unto Believers. Vnto them that belie'Ve - /;e ispreciour. The common prevalent expreilion of it at prefent in the Church is the H)poflatical Vnion; that is, the Union of the Divine and Humane Nature in the Perfon of the Son of God, the Humane Nature having no perfonality nor fubfiil:ence of itsown. With tefpefr unto this Vnion, the Name of Chriil: is cal– led TYonderful, as that which hath the Preheminence in all the effefrs of Divine Wifdoq~. And it is a fingular effeCl: thereo£ There is no other Union in things Divine or Hu– mane, in things Spiritual or Natural, whether fnbil:antial or accidental, that is of the fame kind with it, it differs J)ecifi– cal(y from them all. The moil: glorious Vnion is that of the Divine Perfons in the fame;: Being or Nature; the Father in the Son, the Son in the Father, the Holy Spirit in them both, and both in him. But this is -an '!Jnion of di!l:inCl: Perfons in the Vnity of the fame fingle Nature. And ·this I confefs is more glorioUJ than that whereof :we treat. For ids in God abfolutely, it is eter– J?al, of his Nature aqd Being. But this Vnion we fpeak of, is not