Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

·3 o4 The 'Naturt oft!Je Perfon of Cl;rlft, and the not God, it is a creature, an effeCl: of Divine Wifdom ·and Power. And it is different from it herein; inafmuch as that is ofmany cli[finel Perfons in the fame Nature, this is of di– .flinll Natures in t~1e fame Perfon. Tll.atUnion is Natural, Subfiantial, Etiential, in the fame Nature; this as it is not . accidental, as we fhall ihew, fo it is not properly fubflantial, becaufe it is not of the fame Nature, but ofdivers in the fame Per(on, remaining difl:inCl: in their effence and fubfiance, and .... is therefore peculiarly Hypofiatical or Perfonal. Hence Au– flin feared J!Ot to fay, that .Homo potius eft in jitio Dei, quam .flius in Patre, De Trin. lib. 1. cap. ro. But that is true only in this one refpeCl:, that the Son is not fo in the Father' as to become one Perfon with him. In all other refpefrs it muft be granted that the In-being of the Son in the Father, the V nion between them, which is natural, e_ffential and eternal, cloth exceed this in Glory, which was a temporary, external ACt of Divine Wifdom and Grace. 2. The moil: en1inent fubflantial Union in things natural, is that of the Soul and Body confl:ituting an individual Perfon. There is I -confefs fome ~ kind of fimilitucle between thi~ Union, and t11at of the di lferent Natures in the Perfon of Chrifl:; but it is not ofthe.fame kind or nature. And the dif }imiLtudes that are betwee~ them, are rriore and ofgreater ' importance, th2.n thofe -thib_gs are wherein there feems to , . be an agreement between them. For ( r.) The Soul and Bo– tfy are !o united, as to confiitute one entire Natur.e. The Soul 'is not Humane Nature, nor is the Body, but it is the confe- : quent of their. Union. Soul and Body are e.f[ential parts of HumaneNattire? bu~ comp!eat Humane Nat~re t!1ey are not -~ but by vertue of the1r Umon. But the Umon of ~lie Natt1re~. - i? the. Perfon of Chrifi, cloth not confritute a new 7~!{5¥e. : tnat etther was not; or was not compleat before. Eacl7-).~at · t ure remains Jhe fame perfefr compleat' Nature after ¥11ts __ Uriio:n: :... ' l. ..:V