Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

Hppoflaticnl Union ~fhis N{ltttres declared. j05 Union. (2.) The Union of the Soul and Body dotlicunfii– tute that Nature which is made eifentially eompleat thereby, a new individual Perfon, with a fubfifience of its own,which neither of them was, nor had before that Union. But al– though the Perfon ofChrifl as God and man be confiituted by this Union, yet his Perfon abfolute1y, and his individual Su/;fiflence was perfect, abfolutely antecedent unto that Union. He did not become a new Perfon, another Perfon than ·he was before, by vertue of that Union; only tbat Perfon aifumed Humane Nature to it felf to be its own, into– perfonal fubfifience. (3.) Soul and Body are united by an external efficient (aufe, or the Power of God; and not by the Afr of one of them upon another. But this Union is eftecr;. ed by that Afr of the Divine Nature towards the·Humane, which we have before defcribed. (4-) Neither Soul nor Bo– dy have any perfonal fubfifience before their Union. But the foie foundation of this Union was in this, that tl1e Son of God was a felf-fubfifiing Perfon from eternity. 3· There are other Vnions in things natura,! which are by mixture or compofition. Hereon fomething. is produced, compofed of,various parts, which is not what any .of them are. And there is a converfion of things, when one thing is fubfia:ntially changed into another, as the water in the mi– racle that Chrifi wrought wa-s turned into wine. But this Union hath. no refemblance unto any of them. There is not a xe;Za-15,.a mixture, a contemporation of the Divine and Hu.. mane Natures into one third Nature,. or the converfion ofone into another. Such notions of thefe things fome fancied of 'old. Eutyches fuppofed fuch a compofition and mixture of the two Natures in the Perfon of Chrifi, as that the Humane· Nature at leafl: fhould lofe all its elfential Properties, and bave neither under~anding nor w!ll of its-own. And fome· of the Arians fanc~ed a fubft:lntlal change_ of that created · - Divine·